Wednesday, January 13, 2010

A new low to share a laugh

I don't know how many of you will find this as funny as I do, and it is definitely taking our blog to a new low. So here goes! In the military particularly, but I assume it applies to most business, people say "Poop (censored for wide viewing) rolls (flows, runs, as applies) downhill." Today I observed a "concrete example", as we would say in the "education" field, of this. As we were out for our morning walk, and I was pondering where Bald Eagles sleep, since they are not in the tree where they perch all day if we walk too early or too late. I came to an abrupt stop at the end of the leash to realize that Annie had perched herself on the side of a snowbank to do her business, looked quite precarious not sure why she chose that over the flat ground at the bottom, but that is when I realized that poop does indeed roll downhill. Since I am apparently the recipient of poop in this relationship I discovered there is no dignity to dog owning as I scurried around the bottom of the snowbank collecting the evidence of her hard work. Hopefully you are finding this amusing and not totally disgusting, oh and hope you are not trying to eat right now... Sorry if I ruined your meal!

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