Saturday, February 25, 2012

So... behind might be an understatement

I kept saying I was going to get caught up on the blog... But then I got so far behind that it became a little daunting and I wasn't really sure where to start. That + being really busy + the pictures not posting right = blog that is woefully behind.
So, here is my "new beginning".
Our son, Jack Martin, was born on Sept 14. He's been a great addition to our lives. We are loving parenthood and learning a lot every day.
I wanted to be sure I shared my birth experience before it was too far in my memory. I had a really wonderful birth experience with Jack, well maybe it would be more appropriate to say, it was all I hoped it would be. On Sept 12, two days after our due date, we had a Dr appointment. She said I was progressing, compared to the week before, and stripped my membranes. Straight from the appointment we went to dinner with J's sister (M). When we got there we were filling her in on the appointment and I had what I thought was a gas pain. She confirmed it was likely a contraction. I said, "Oh, if this is a contraction, I've had a few of these over the last week." We had our dinner and then M and I went to meet up with J's mom and see "The Help". The movie was great, but I was nervous the whole time since the Dr said seeing a movie was a great way to get your water to break, very inconvenient. We also swore M to secrecy since we knew labor could go on this way for days.
That night I had splotchy sleep. I would have contractions every 10-15 minutes for a couple of hours and then get a couple of hours of sleep. The next morning I sent J to work since I didn't feel like I was making a lot of progress. I spent the day getting rest and as much food as I could... between trips to the bathroom... I did relaxation exercises and walked the dogs with a friend. I thought I was doing great, but she said I was much more quiet than normal. By the time J got home from work that evening I was having more intense contractions and was starting to stand for each one. He worked at trying to time the contractions. I just wanted to relax and watch something funny on TV. We watched some Office episodes we had recorded and eventually landed on Leno. By this time I was standing and rocking through each contraction. We were having a really hard time timing the contractions because they were longer than I expected and I wasn't really sure when one ended and the next began.
Around midnight we decided to head to the hospital. We messaged M and finished the last of the packing. We started the journey (5 minutes) to the hospital. I decided we were going in too soon. I didn't want to have to do a lot of laboring at the hospital. We also had a friend who had waited until 9 cm and I thought she was such a birth "rock star" that I didn't want to get there at 4 cm. J offered to turn around, but I had another contraction and said "no thanks". We got to the hospital and they got us checked in. I remember thinking if I said "please" and "thank you" too much they wouldn't think I was as far along... Maybe my logic was a bit off.
I got changed in the triage unit and the nurse told my SIL that I she didn't think I was going to be far enough along. I looked too comfortable. When she checked me I was 9 cm! She left to call the Dr. They weren't sure they would have an open room so we got "settled" in. M made a few phone calls to notify the "phone tree" of progress. The fire alarm kept going off, apparently due to some construction. They "had" to put in an IV, I wasn't with it enough to argue. In hindsight that was the worst part of my experience since it really inhibited feeding, changing, and bonding with our new baby after the birth. Once that was all done they had a room for us. As the nurse wheeled me down the hallway we found out that the only Dr in the practice we hadn't seen was on call that night. I wasn't worried as I liked all the other Drs and figured he would be good as well. Other friends really liked him.
Once they monitored the baby for a bit M suggested that I get in the shower. I sat on the birth ball in the shower for about two hours. When we got there I was too uncomfortable to sit and had said no to having my water broken. I really didn't want to have to get into the bed. After two hours, and some hints from a good friend, the nurse explained the benefits and we agreed having the Dr break my water was the best idea. The contractions were uncomfortable but not unbearable, the feeling of having to go to the bathroom was REALLY uncomfortable though. I was also exhausted. I felt like I could start dozing off in the shower between contractions. Feeling more relaxed I made it into the bed and the Dr broke my water. I turned on my side for the first push. After the second push they said the baby wasn't looking as good and I needed to turn over. I turned over and the nurse went to get the Dr. I pushed once on the next side and they said it was time for the baby to come out. I rolled on my back and pushed a few times and out he came. There was meconium so they passed the baby to the nurse to get cleaned out. As they were cleaning him up all I could think to say was "Were those balls?".
After months of guessing we would have a girl, and nearly 3 hours at the hospital, we had our little boy. They handed him to me, while the Dr stitched a second degree tear J and I snuggled him and tried to feed him. We knew right away that he was Jack Martin. After feeling complete indecision about names the whole pregnancy we named him in seconds. Everyone went away and we got to spend a beautiful hour with our little baby. Finally, we let our families in and the picture taking began. Martha helped "process" Jack and gave him his first bath. After I got cleaned up we headed down the hall to our next room. It was 7 am and I was exhausted! The boys drifted right off to sleep while I took care of the "administrative" stuff and breakfast. J deserved the rest. He was so supportive and wonderful through the whole process.

Friday, October 7, 2011

Growing.... out

So, I know this is relatively old news, but for the sake of finishing something I started here are the pictures from the remainder of the pregnancy. Minus some numbness in my right hand I managed to stay pretty comfortable up to the end.
39 weeks 6 days
38 weeks
36 weeks 4 days
35 weeks 6 days
34 weeks 2 days
31 weeks 2 days

Wednesday, August 17, 2011

New Toys = Finished Rooms

J has been hard at work preparing a room for this little one to be. Or at least a really nice place to put all its stuff... We are starting to feel a little more ready for whenever baby decides to arrive. We are so grateful to all the friends and family that have been passing things our way!
The nursery started here...
And then we got one of these
And suddenly...
We had this!

Sunday, July 10, 2011

Another one (month) bites the dust

Oh boy, the months are flying by... I have tried to post twice, but my login for school messes up my login here sometimes and I am not savvy enough to figure out what to do other than go away and try again next time.
In June, we took our last pre-baby plane trip. To start, we spent about 5 days in Tucson, AZ with Jeremy's sister (Michelle), her husband (Jason), and kids. Luckily they had a pool in which to float Baby Beluga. We had a great time hanging out and getting in some good visiting. Michelle and I had some great girl time getting mani/pedies, dinner and a movie. Which meant Uncle JJ got to spend some quality time with his niece and nephew. He even put on a diaper! I suppose it's a little different when the diperee is taking off is own diaper, but it's a start.
After Tucson time we headed out to Albuquerque with Michelle and the kids for Jeremy's cousin's wedding. It was the hottest I've ever seen it in Albuquerque, in the 100s, but the wedding was beautiful and it was fun to hang out with all of Jeremy's extended family. Of course, we don't have a single picture from the trip... we have got to get better about using our camera. I'm actually a bit sad that we missed out on this opportunity.
Since returning home I took my last written test for grad school and scheduled my oral defense for the end of July. Yikes! Time to get going a little more seriously on that. Just two more classes for finish up after that! Jeremy has been working hard, for the guard, as well as, cleaning up/out our little home. He's had his work cut out for him, but has stepped up to take it on.
Finally, we took a quick trip to up to the Copper Princess Lodge with Martha and John over the Fourth of July weekend. We geared up and headed out for some dip-netting one day. After a few hours of me, very usefully, sitting on the bank, we discovered that the river was running a bit to high for catching. We weighed all our options, rounded up the wild beasts (dogs, not the boys) and headed back to the lodge for margaritas and Shirley Temples on the sunny deck. While our dreams of a freezer of fish were dashed, we did have a nice little vacation. Pictures of that will have to be another post since I can't get the camera to download on my computer...
29 Weeks
Annie's tough day...
Baby's room getting emptier

Sunday, June 12, 2011

You know you are pregnant when...

- People start giving you that look when you are out. I'm pretty sure most people are thinking this is more than a beer belly now.
- Your husband has to "survive" birth classes.
- Your friend has to take you last minute shopping for a new swimsuit.
- You are tired EVERY afternoon.
- You have to roll over every hour while you sleep, that is when you aren't getting up to go to the bathroom.... again!
- You cry completely randomly, at least once. Like when you see a sad, lost baby moose. They make really pathetic noises.
- You close your belly in the freezer door.... or the bathroom stall door... Sorry Baby!
- You look like this...
24 weeks 5 days
26 weeks 5 days

Same toilet, new bathroom

J has been hard at work updating our small, weird bathroom. A couple weeks showering at my parents house, a few extra trips to Lowe's, and a month of hard work has the bathroom looking much improved! We are 85% there, and since we are opposed to doing finishing work in this house, this might be good enough for us.


Over Memorial Day weekend Tiffany, James, and their friend Will came up to Anchorage for a wedding. While there were here it was gorgeous, for the whole holiday weekend! By Tiffany's request we went sea kayaking out of Whittier. Prince William Sound like I'd never seen it, great trip!
Traffic Jam
The bellies
The belly goes kayaking